4 Quotes & Sayings By Sue Woolfe

Sue Woolfe is a New York Times bestselling author, a School of Practical Arts graduate, and a best-selling business speaker with a passion for self-employment. She has made a career of being her own boss and works from her home office. Sue’s first book, The Money Habit – how to have more money, have better money habits, and live with less stress, was published in January 2014. Her second book, The Money Habit – how to pay off debt and stop worrying about money, was published in October 2015 Read more

Sue is also the founder of Squeaky Clean Company, a company that helps small businesses create systems to keep their financial house in order.

It seemed like an original act, the very kindest act of being human, that he listened. Sue Woolfe
I wrenched open the windows. I stood while the cold air poured around my face like dark water, as if I was a rock and it was chiselling me into a new shape. Sue Woolfe
His head was on one side, listening to me, and that was such sweeness to me, that he listened intently. No one, it seemed, has ever listened like he does. Sue Woolfe